"With malice toward none; with charity toward all," a 2007 mural inspired by Abraham Lincoln, created by Jared Bader in Philadelphia. Photo February 2025.

Topical Resources in Trying Times

I’ve been thinking to establish a small network of people sharing information while focused on specific topics. As an example, here’s a macro level list of people I follow or want to follow with particular topic focus. Which I’m going to post now even though I’m still missing important topics (like immigration). Things keep changing so fast.

Note: For Substack, you are not required to subscribe or pay in order to read the columns. It’s good to support their work if you are able and inclined, and some of the sites (such as the Contrarian) do have a paid level with more information, but it’s also always possible to “continue reading” without signing up.

Current US Politics in Historical Context

Starting with my favorite source of political analysis:
Letters from an American / Heather Cox Richardson (Substack or Facebook):
“A newsletter about the history behind today’s politics.”

Daily Actions

Rogan’s List / Joe Katz (Substack):
“Ways we can help save our democracy,” a daily list of actions to take
Chop Wood, Carry Water / Jessica Craven (Substack):
“This weekday newsletter gives you easy, effective political actions to take to stave off despair, effect positive change and elect more true public servants.”

Independent Media

The Contrarian / Jen Rubin and Norm Eisen, hosts (Substack):
“Unflinching journalism in defense of democracy”
The 19th* News (website)
“An independent, nonprofit newsroom reporting on gender, politics and policy.”
*(“The 19th Amendment remains unfinished business, a fact we acknowledge in our logo with an asterisk — a visible reminder of those who have been omitted from our democracy.”)

Democracy and Power

Rebecca Solnit (Facebook, brand new newsletter on Ghost):
“The way we get through this is together.”
Note, Rebecca Solnit’s posts on Facebook have kept me aware and up to date on this Constitutional crisis/coup from its beginning. And she’s just started a newsletter:
“Every emergency is in part a storytelling emergency. The ability to tell your own story is already a victory.”

The Status Kuo / Jay Kuo (Substack):
“The Status Kuo provides accessible political and legal analysis with a dose of humor. In crazy times, a little clarity goes a long way!”
The Weekly List: This is how democracy ends / Amy Siskind (Substack)
“The ‘new normal’ of American politics is not normal. The Weekly List reminds us of that. On a weekly basis, the List tracks specific news stories representing eroding norms under the Trump regime.”
Robert Reich (Substack):
“Daily newsletter exposing where power lies — and how it’s used and abused”
Sherrilyn Iffil (See Civil Rights, below)

Trans Rights

Erin in the Morning / Erin Reed (Substack website):
“News and discussion on trans legislation and life.”

Abortion Rights

Abortion, Every Day / Jessica Valenti (Substack):
“All things abortion. Feminist commentary & community.”

Civil Rights

Sherrilyn’s Newsletter / Sherrilyn Iffil (Substack):
“Civil Rights & American Democracy”


Robert Reich (See Democracy, above)
Krugman wonks out / Paul Krugman (Substack):
“Notes on economics and more”

Climate and the Environment

Rebecca Solnit (See Democracy, above)


Mrs. Frazzled (Facebook, Instagram): A former kindergarten teacher who usually does short videos teaching hypothetical relatives or politicians to be nice by talking in her teacher voice, currently doing short videos on education and policy since the election.


The Status Kuo / Jay Kuo (See Democracy, above)
Civil Discourse with Joyce Vance (Substack)
“Worried about the state of the republic? Get the legal knowledge & analysis you need to be an advocate for democracy, along with a dose of savvy optimism.”

Health and Science

Your Local Epidemiologist / Dr. Katelyn Jetelina (Substack)
“Providing a direct line of ‘translated’ public health science to you.”
LIL (Laughter in Light) Science / Melanie Matheu (Substack)
“Exploration of next-generation biotechnology and leading-edge advances at the nexus of technology and biotechnology. All educational content on COVID-19 and infectious disease is always free (subscribe for deeper tech reviews).”

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