My workplace right now has a huge focus on sustainability, which is awesome, and yet also a startling amount of conspicuous waste, including much plasticware. I have been thinking very intensely about this particular image lately, and I haven’t found any better way to express exactly these sentiments. The poster is no longer available to purchase, so I asked permission to post it here. Turns out it’s available under a Creative Commons license (see details in caption).*

Poster by Max Temkin, licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Creative Commons license. Used with Permission.
(Title is a reference to the story “Or All the Seas with Oysters” by Avram Davidson.)
*Also, yay, I got a question added to an FAQ!
**With the understanding that some people don’t have enough spoons*** to wash spoons.
***(That is, spoons as physical and/or emotional resources.)